I Woke Up Today at 5:55am!

I must say – I woke up at 5:55am this morning.  WHAT?  Everyone who knows me will think the world is coming to an end…and, that was with NO alarm.  Again, WHAT?!  Maybe it was the impending doom of the track workout I have to do today, or maybe it’s Whole30…  We may never know.

It’s Day 12 of Whole30.  So far, so good on this new plan.  Honestly, it’s not too far from how I already ate (minus all of the healthy baking I do/did).  I think the coconut sugar and chocolate chips are getting lonely.  But, they aren’t calling my name from the shelves…yet.  I’m still waiting on that.

Am I following it to a “t”?  No.  Do I have too much fruit and eat too often.  Ummm..yes.  But – I’m not eating donuts.  I just keep saying that – I’m not eating donuts.  I haven’t had any intentional slip-ups, but I’m planning on doing another blog later this week about giving yourself grace.  I had a little slip-up and didn’t realize one “vegetable” was not Whole30 compliant.  I definitely have some things to say about this.  🙂

The best things about this program, and really any healthy dietary challenge that you find yourself in, is finding new ways to eat, new foods you enjoy, and a new way of approaching food.  Although you’re not supposed to have a ton of fruit, I haven’t been feeling great the last couple of days, and all I’ve been able to stomach are smoothie bowls. I’m also on the hunt for dragon fruit – looks like I’ll be making a trip to Whole Foods today!

Look at these beauties –



Check out the “treats” section for these recipes!  The first one is a Green Smoothie Bowl, and the second is a Banana Mango Smoothie Bowl!  (If they aren’t up exactly when you read this blog – they will be up soon!)

One other quick and easy trick for you sweet potato lovers out there…  food process your potato to dice finely, heat up your waffle iron and spray with coconut oil spray, then put those puppies in, and let the iron do the work.  In a few minutes, you’ll have sweet potato hash browns!  Top with a fried egg, and a side of fruit, and it’s a breakfast you won’t be mad at!  I promise if you eat this amazing, natural, whole food – it WILL satisfy you.  Just keep telling yourself “at least I’m not eating donuts.”  🙂





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